Legendary director Ridley Scott, the mastermind behind iconic films like “Alien” and “Blade Runner,” recently opened up about his career regrets, specifically regarding the sequels to his most groundbreaking works. In a surprising turn of events, Scott revealed he wasn’t approached to direct the follow-up films for either franchise, despite their immense success.
A Tough Choice: Scott Explains Prioritizing “Alien: Covenant” Over “Blade Runner 2049”
The interview also shed light on Scott’s decision to prioritize “Alien: Covenant” over “Blade Runner 2049.” While acknowledging Denis Villeneuve’s exceptional work on the latter film, Scott confessed regretting the choice. “It shouldn’t have been an either/or situation,” he stated.
Scott Discusses Lack of Influence in Early Career
Scott elaborated on the limitations he faced as a new director in a tough industry. “I created these franchises,” he said. “But being new in Hollywood, I didn’t have a say.” He went on to explain that his lack of control stemmed from his early career projects, “Alien” being his second film and “Blade Runner” his third.
Scott Ensures Creative Control Over Upcoming “Gladiator II”
Despite the past, Scott has ensured more creative control over his future projects. His upcoming sequel, “Gladiator II,” exemplifies this shift. The highly anticipated film, hitting theaters in November, sees Scott firmly behind the helm.
Tags : Hollywood RidleyScott